Windows 11 – Wo finde ich den Autostart?

Windows 11 – Where can I find the Autostart?

This article is about the topic Autostart under Windows 11. First, we will deal with the information about what an Autostart is at all and what advantages or disadvantages it offers. At the end, we will give you a step-by-step guide so that you can also set up the Autostart function on your computer.

What is the Autostart function?

Autostart is a feature that allows the computer to start programs automatically at startup. It can be used to launch your favorite music player, browser or other applications. This is a useful feature for those who have many programs that they want to start automatically at startup. Programs start faster because they are already running in the background and ready to use. In a professional situation, autostart is especially useful for programs that you need every day or for tasks that you routinely work on first.

What can I find in the startup folder of Windows 11?

The Startup folder is a folder that contains shortcuts to programs, files, and folders that you want to load when Windows starts. In the Startup folder you will find various programs. Some of them are good for system maintenance, others are not. You should be careful when adding items to the Startup folder because it takes up space on your Windows boot drive.

Which programs are started automatically every time I log into Windows?

Windows has a list of programs that are automatically started every time you log into the system. This is done to ensure that these programs are always available when you need them. Some of these programs are important for the smooth functioning of your computer, such as the antivirus software, while others can be unimportant or even malware. It is important to know which startup programs are needed and which should be disabled.

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Advantages and disadvantages of Autostart

Quickly starting programs while the computer is booting can have some advantages but also disadvantages. Below is a brief overview of the possible advantages or disadvantages:


Fast program startup
Efficient work
No searching for programs


Programs may not work properly if opened without your permission
Programs are loaded at the same time, which may cause the computer to hang
Screen becomes cluttered with too many programs

However, if you are careful not to put too many programs in the Startup folder, the feature can be a great way to work efficiently.

How to find the startup folder in Windows 11

The Startup folder has been a part of Windows for a long time. It’s where you can store shortcuts to programs that start automatically when your computer boots up. The Startup folder is still a part of Windows 11, but it’s not as easy to find as it was in previous versions. The good news is that it’s still there and you can access it by following these steps:

Press the Windows key on your keyboard and type „Run“ in the search box in the lower left corner of your screen. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to open the Run window.
Type „shell:startup“ in the Run window and press Enter on your keyboard. The Autostart folder should now be open in front of you, displaying all of its contents.
To add a shortcut, right-click anywhere in the folder and select „New“ and then „Shortcut“ from the menu that opens. A shortcut box should now be open on your screen.
Select „Browse“ to find the location of your program file. Once you’ve found it, click Done on your keyboard and then OK to close the box. The shortcut is now ready!

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You have now successfully added the program you want to the autostart. The next time you boot your computer, all the programs you want will start automatically.

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