Windows login without password: local account – this is how to do it

Windows login without password: local account – this is how to do it

A user account on Windows is a system that allows you to log in to your computer. It serves as a security measure to ensure that only authorized users have access to certain areas of the system. User accounts can be set up in different ways, such as a local user account or a Microsoft account. A local user account is an account that is used only on the current computer, while a Microsoft account is an account that you can use to access Microsoft services such as, OneDrive, and Xbox Live. User accounts can also be classified into different security levels, such as administrator or standard user account. Administrator user accounts have advanced privileges and can make changes to the system, while standard user accounts have more limited privileges and can only make limited changes to the system. It is important that each user account has a unique password to ensure protection against unauthorized access.

Local account vs Windows user account

A local user account is an account that is only used on the current computer. It is usually for a user’s personal use on a single computer and cannot be used to access Microsoft services such as, OneDrive, or Xbox Live.

Microsoft account on Windows

A Microsoft account, on the other hand, is an account that you can use to access various Microsoft services. It allows you to access your emails, files, and other personal settings from any device as long as you sign in with your Microsoft account. You can also sign in with a Microsoft account to purchase apps, games, and other content from the Microsoft Store website.

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Difference between accounts

Another important difference between local user accounts and Microsoft accounts is that Microsoft accounts usually come with additional security features to ensure protection against unauthorized access. These include, for example, the ability to set up two-factor authentication or answer security questions to confirm access to the account.

Interim conclusion

In summary, local user accounts are primarily for personal use on a single computer, while Microsoft accounts are used to access Microsoft services and purchase content from the Microsoft Store website and typically have additional security features.

How can I log in to a Windows Local Account without a password?

To be able to log on to a Windows computer without a password, there are 3 ways.

Use account without password:

  1. Open the Control Panel and click on „User Accounts and Family Security“.
  2. Click on „User Accounts.“
  3. Click on „Add or remove a user account“.
  4. Click on „Create a new user account“.
  5. Enter a name for the user account and select „Computer Administrator“ as the account type.
  6. Click „Create.“

Once the user account is created, no password will be requested for the account when you log in. You can simply log in to the login screen by clicking on the user account name and then clicking „Log In“.

Turn off Windows startup password – this is how to do it

To turn off the startup password, you can follow these steps:

  1. Press the Windows key and „R“ simultaneously to open the „Run“ dialog.
  2. Type „netplwiz“ and confirm with Enter.
  3. In the user accounts menu that opens, remove the checkmark from „Users must specify user name and password“.
  4. Confirm the changes with „OK“ and enter your password again when prompted.
  5. The startup password has now been disabled and you will be logged in automatically on startup without entering a password.
  6. Disable password for shared use

If you want to disable the startup password for shared PC use, you can also perform the following steps:

  1. Open the menu to user accounts again by pressing the Windows key and „R“ and enter „netplwiz“.
  2. Highlight your user and confirm with „Apply“.
  3. Exit the menu and press the Windows key and „R“ again.
  4. Enter „regedit“ and confirm with „OK“.
  5. Navigate to the path „HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon“.
  6. Open „DefaultUserName“ and enter your user name here.
  7. Confirm the changes with „OK“.
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The start password has now been disabled and the next time you start, your user will be automatically selected and you will be logged in.

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